Your step-by-step class to writing a cookbook—from idea to full book proposal

In this 8-week online class, you’ll go from confusion to clarity with the exact steps you need to take to write—and publish—your cookbook. Before I tell you about this comprehensive class, I want to tell you who I created this class for:

You’re a chef, a home cook, a mixologist, or simply a lover of food. You’ve dreamed about writing a cookbook for years. You have recipes swirling around your mind and written down in notebooks. You have a Word doc where you started writing down your favorite recipes, perhaps with stories attached to each. You love to cook, create, and feed your loved ones. You have a certain style of cooking, use certain techniques that you love, or enjoy a specific kind of cuisine. You’ve thought about writing a cookbook, but…you don’t know how to bring it all together into a book. Yet, it’s a goal you want to achieve and you’d love to know how.

Perhaps you’re:

  • A chef or you work in a restaurant. You’ve been cooking for years and would love to write a book, to bring all your recipes together so you can share them with the world
  • A home cook with a passion for cooking. Your friends and family may have said, “You’re food is so good, you should write a book.”
  • A food blogger who wants to compile all of your recipes into a book
  • A mixologist or cocktail blogger with drink recipes to share
  • Someone who simply loves food, love to cook, love to eat, loves to explore certain types of food and you want to share that love with others.

You're in the right place. I want to teach you exactly how you can achieve this important goal of yours. I will show you the specific steps to take so you can finally, now, write this book that's been on your mind for months, possibly years. 

By the end of this class you will have:

  • Nailed down your niche and decide what kind of cookbook you will write
  • Come up with the title and subtitle of your book
  • Written an introduction to attract agents
  • Organize your recipes into chapters
  • Written your cookbook proposal
  • Discovered must-haves for your book proposal
  • Launched, if you haven’t already, social media channels related to your book
  • Created marketing ideas for your book
  • Learned about literary agents who focus on cookbooks
  • Discovered the steps you need to take once your proposal is complete

Meet Your Teacher

Tracey Ceurvels is a food and travel journalist and the creator of the cooking and travel blog, Tracey's Global Kitchen (formerly The NYC Kitchen). Her articles and recipes have appeared in The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Relish, Time Out, among other publications. She is the author of The NYC Kitchen Cookbook.

About Tracey's Cookbook

Satiate your sense of wanderlust and take an edible journey around New York City with food and travel journalist Tracey Ceurvels. In The NYC Kitchen Cookbook, Tracey shares her tasty adventures with foodie fans nationwide and explains how to use the flavorful ingredients found in NYC to make simple yet sensational meals for any occasion. 

“Tracey captures the essence of what it’s like to pick up ingredients in a city bustling with shops and flavors. Her recipes are fun, approachable, and make cooking in New York an exciting adventure.”—MAILLE US 

What’s Inside Cookbook Writing Academy:

There will be 2 implementation weeks when you’ll be able to write your proposal and ask me questions while you’re working on it.

When you enroll during this special limited time, you’ll receive:

Cookbook Writing Academy

(Over $5000 value!)

  • 6 modules with ALL the information you need to go from confused to clear
  • 2 implementation weeks so you get the proposal written
  • Fun worksheets to help your writing process
  • A proposal template you can fill in (it's the format for the proposal I wrote)
  • Email/chat access to me so you can ask questions
  • Tips on finding an agent
  • Motivational tools to keep you moving forward (these helped me immensely)

You’ll receive access to one module per week, 2 implementation weeks, plus all of the above when you enroll today! The modules are available on a weekly basis so that you’ll never feel overwhelmed. I’ve constructed the course this way so that you can write, and hopefully finish, your proposal by the end of the 8 weeks.

I hope you'll join me!

A Few Special Bonuses that come Cookbook Writing Academy

You will receive:

The "Already Done for You Cookbook Proposal Outline." 

My list of "50 Literary Agents who Focus on Cookbooks" (along with their email addresses)


The exact proposal I wrote that got my book published. 

Worth an extra $3750!

You'll be backed by a risk-free 2-week guarantee.

I want to tell you: Cookbook Writing Academy is a comprehensive, step-by-step class to help you write your cookbook proposaland send it off to agents. 

In this 8-week online class, you’ll go from confusion to clarity with the exact steps you need to take to write—and publish—your cookbook. 

In the first two weeks you'll discover what kind of cookbook you want to write, plus the title and subtitle. After this, if you don't feel like you're on the right road, share your book idea and title with me, and I will refund your money. No questions asked!

The NYC Kitchen Cookbook reflects its namesake city perfectly. It’s a melting pot of spices, ingredients, and dishes from around the world that can only come together in a city like New York.”—LINNEA JOHANSSON, AUTHOR OF FOOD FOR FRIENDS

Still thinking about it?

Give Cookbook Writing Academy a try if:

You've always wanted to write a book but haven't carved out the time. As you're well aware, life has been turned upside down this past year. For many of us, we've realized the things we really want to do with our lives. If writing a cookbook is one of them, I want to tell you, now is as good a time as any! Don't let another year pass you by without doing this one thing you've dreamed about doing. Taking Cookbook Writing Academy might just be the thing you need to jumpstart the new year.